Tugas Laporan Perakitan PC tanggal 16 September 2013.

 Alat dan barang barang yang di perlukan dalam perakitan adalah :
  -1 buah obeng
  - Harddisk
  - CPU case
  -power supply

  -cpu fan
  -DVD Rom
  berikut ini adalah langkah kerja nya :
  -siapkan semua komponen komponen komputer(Ram,processor,Cpu fan,motherboard,dsb)
    periksalah kelengkapan komponen tersebut
  -setelah memeriksa kelengkapan komponen kompo
nen.kemudian mulai memasangkan processor kepada
   tempat yang sudah di tentukan.
  -setelah memasangkan processor pasangkan blower di atas tempat penyimpanan processor dan kunci
   dengan kencang dan otomatis jika sudah terkunci akan bunyi suara klik tempatkan dengan sesuai.
  -setelah terpasang processor dan cpu fan selanjutnya pasang Ram dan pasangkan sesuai tempat yang ada.    pun akan terkunci sendiri dan berbunyi klik. Kemudian pasang motherboard di cpu case.
  - Kemudian pasang power supply, kemudian harddisk, kemudian pasang DVD rom.
  - Pasang kabel-kabel kecil dan sambungkan sesuai dengan pasangannya.

Degrees Of Comparison

A. Ada tingkat perbandingan :

  1. Positive              : Dark          Tall        Useful
  2. Comparative      : Darker       Taller     more useful
  3. Superlative         : darkest       tallest    most useful
B. Kata sifat yang terdiri dari satu suku kata menggunakan -er untuk comparative dan -est untuk superlative.
                                bright                  brighter         brightest

C. kata sifat yang terdiri dari 3 suku kata menggunakan more untuk comparative dan most untuk superlative.
                                 expensive more expensive    most expensive
d. Kata sifat yang terdiri dari 2 suku kata, menggunakan salah satu dari aturan B atau C.Yang berakhiran -ful , -re,-ing,-ed menggunakan more dan most.
                            tired  more tired most tired
I want to post my short story. I know my short story is bad, but I want to post it cause I love this. Haha:D. Just enjoy it guys!

          The frog got the ball which the princess wanted. And then the princess took the frog to her castle, but no one knew it.
          One day, while the princess was playing with her frog, the king opened the princess’ room and saw them. The king was so surprised and he was very angry. The king asked her to kill the frog, but she didn’t want to. The princess expected not to kill the frog, because she loved him very much, but the king was very angry.
          The princess was crying all night long. She was very sad, because the frog would be killed by her father. Then, the princess asked the frog to hide himself. Before it, she kissed the frog, and then the frog changed into a handsome prince. Her father saw it, and he was so surprised. He was very sorry ti his daughter. Then, his father asked the princess to marry him.
          Then the princess got married with the handsome prince. The king and his daughter was very happy and also the handsome prince.
          After a long time, the king died. Before he had died, he asked the prince to be the king of his kingdom. He accept the request.
To be continue 
